Save for future business expenses or expansions. Earn daily or monthly interest at excellent rates. Get low monthly fees and expert financial guidance.
Day-to-day banking for businesses and farms of all sizes. Dedicated tellers, low monthly fees, and 24-hour drive thru ATMs are standard with every account. We make it easy, so you can run efficiently and be more profitable.
Help your child develop their money management skills
Choose from a savings account for children under 14 or spending account for youth under age 18
Earn interest, with no monthly fees and no minimum balance requirements
Access to a full suite of online and digital banking solutions
Proof of enrollment is required
It’s always a good time to find smarter banking solutions
Our members aged 60+ receive premium perks and no fees
Enjoy the savings you’ve worked hard to build
All deposits are 100% covered by the Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Manitoba.
Altair Finance business accounts never have a minimum monthly balance requirement.
Dedicated teller stations for business and agricultural accounts.
Night deposits, 24-hour ATM drive through, and online banking are all standard with every business account.
We’re experts in our local market who are dedicated to your success. Together, we’ll make sure your business grows.